
Not actually a tard.

Archive for April 25th, 2007

The chicken or the egg

Posted by leahtard on April 25, 2007


We have two chickens in this picture and one egg.

I know everyone has their own thoughts on this and I’m going to tell you mine in just a moment but first the lead up. The other day I was sent one of those e-mails from a newish friend who wanted to know more about me. I always fill them in because for one they are always a little different every time you get one, and secondly often my answers change and if I can remember its neat to think about that change.

One of the questions in this e-mail was, what do you think came first the chicken or the egg. You of course are suppose to answer either “chicken” or “egg”. Now I have been asked this question many times before, mostly in and around junior high when teachers are trying desperately to get you to think about anything. Your answer is usually quite wish washy without any real substance behind it, not because your a dough-head but because you just do not have any life experience to back it up. I’m not saying that the chicken/egg question is rocket science, take the question and make it what you like but it is a question meant to get you thinking and to help in creating an opinion.

My personal opinion is that the chicken came first. Simply because if you took the same question and said who came first the mommy or the baby, you would have to say the mommy. I for one can not possibly believe that God in his infinite wisdom would put a poor little baby person/baby chicken here on earth with nobody to care for it. The number one reason being that unless you are a little pink worm you do not need a mother to survive. Far as I know all higher functioning creatures need nurturing in order to live, to thrive and to continue on the species whatever that may be.

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